The 65-year-old woman claims her 120-pound pony-sized dog is protection from childhood memories of sex abuse. Two cops ticketed her for bringing the animal into a subway station. "These sons of bitches don't like to be told what to do," she says. (New York Daily News)
I've always sided with the pet owner in the past, but this time I agree 100% with the city. First of all this dog is a killing machine. Even she admits that. Why should other people (especially those with cancer - I mean WTF????) have to ride around on the subway in fear to make her feel better. These days it seems anyone can get themselves labeled as disabled. Heck when I was little I had a dream about this chicken attacking me. It was really scary. I still remember it so I must have posttraumatic stress disorder. Maybe I should be able to walk around with a chicken hawk on my shoulder.
Posted by: G-Man | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 05:58 AM
i've never had less sympathy for a victim of sexual abuse
Posted by: elchampino | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 06:11 AM
you need to feel better... get drunk.
as for the dog... if i was on the subway i would have shot it dead... and took the 25$ fine.
Posted by: TheTruth | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 06:22 AM
"Stamm said her stress disorder causes extreme fear of danger, severe depression and confusion. The dog keeps her "in the present," warns her of sirens and horns, and provides a large, furry barrier in crowded places, she said."
1. I have a fear of danger too. Its dangerous.
2. The dog keeps her 'in the present'? My question is, without him, does she end up in the past or the future?
3. A large, furry barrier in crowded places? Um......
Posted by: stopeatingmysesamecake | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 06:27 AM
Totally agree with you, G-Man. I am a physically disabled person and I would never even consider bringing a potentially vicious dog onto a subway car.
Posted by: Bill B. | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 06:35 AM
There is no breed named "livestock guardian dog." Several breeds have been used for such a function, but there is no breed by that name. She seems gleeful that people get out of her way when they see her dog. She is on a power trip and sounds really nuts.
Posted by: Sheila | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 06:43 AM
This woman is a mentally ill dingbat whose crying of wolf and demand for special treatment is precisely the type of behavior which winds up causing people with *real* problems and disabilities-
not the madeup "I feel like taking my dog everywhere with me but would be absolutely batshit crazy anyhow and now I have a potentially vicious dog with me" melarkey-
difficulty in bringing their service animals with them in public places. As for her last dog the "Caucasian Ovcharka" is literally the MOST fearsome and hyperprotective dog in the entire world. This woman is a dangerous lunatic and it is precisely the reason why I answer jury summons' in the hope that I can stick it to jerks like her.
Posted by: sometimesilie | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 06:46 AM
"Unless properly socialized and trained, the Caucasian Ovtcharka may exhibit ferocious and unmanageable tendencies. It is very brave, alert, strong and hardy. It distrusts people it does not know and it has a powerful urge to defend. Everything and everyone who belongs to the family, including children, cats, other dogs, etc, will be regarded by this dog as part of "its" family and will be respected and protected. This dog should not be left alone with children, because if play becomes too rough, the Caucasian Ovtcharka my feel the need to protect your child, and may do it extensively. It has no time for strangers, but it will greet family friends warmly. It can be rather dominate towards other dogs it does not know. Some German fanciers employ the dogs as foremost guardians and deterrents. This is not a dog for everyone. It requires an owner who knows how to display strong leadership and who is willing to spend a lot of time socializing and training."
From a brief search (her former "serivce dog"). At the very least she seems to have a thing for a certian type of dog, and likes to see the public get the F out of her way. Probably a way to make her feel empowered.
I can only hope this doesn't go her way. Hey, Estelle - if you have so much trouble out there in the world, and have trouble staying "in the present", maybe you should consider institutionalizing yourself.
I agree, I think she's mentally ill. And the worst kind - one that refuses to get the proper treatment and doesn't see anything wrong with pushing her problems to the public, and somehow feeling entitled to do so.
Posted by: stopeatingmysesamecake | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 07:07 AM
This woman is of the breed "Cookcasian Annoya"
Posted by: MidtownCoog | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 07:10 AM
Sounds more like this dipshit cow doesn't like to be told what to do.
Posted by: Mook | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 07:11 AM
If I had a mental disorder that gave me an extreme fear of danger, severe depression and confusion, New York City is the last place I'd ever want to live.
Anyhow, this woman sounds like those asshats in San Francisco whose giant dogs mauled their neighbor to death. She gives a bad name to the disabled. Ordinary people with service animals don't get off on power trips about how their animal inspires fear and could kill someone.
Posted by: Phranqlin | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 07:11 AM
"protection from childhood memories of sex abuse "
From memories? WTF does that mean? If she remembers the dog eats her head?
Posted by: Dick C Normas | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 07:12 AM
"Anyhow, this woman sounds like those asshats in San Francisco whose giant dogs mauled their neighbor to death. She gives a bad name to the disabled. Ordinary people with service animals don't get off on power trips about how their animal inspires fear and could kill someone."
I think I might start the breed arguement again. But if you read that description of the Caucasian Ovtcharka, I know you may just LOVE that type of dog, along with the Pitbulls and others of the same ilk, but JHC, can't you find another of the hundreds of breeds to choose from?
Posted by: stopeatingmysesamecake | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 07:26 AM
She lives near Union Square and SHE'S complaining?
DCN - I think you got it about right.
Posted by: Torgo | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 07:27 AM
That dog leaves some big poops.
Posted by: buddy | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 07:38 AM
Mook beat me to it...cept I was going to say b*tch.
Posted by: twerp | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 07:42 AM
She's retired. If she's so afraid of others, why on earth is she living in NYC?
Oh, I get it, so she can intimidate others.
Posted by: petep | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 07:48 AM
I'm not sure what to think of this mess. The article doesn't mention any attacks or agressive behavior from the dogs so maybe she's a responsible owner, a nutty owner but responsible nonetheless. On the other hand she does come off as a flat out crazy b!tch. The claims she makes while blogging can't be ignored by the authorities. In the event of some sort agressive behavior by the dogs NY would gets sued for millions.
Posted by: Hey! | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 07:53 AM
I call bullshit on this woman. The breed mentioned
"Caucasian Ovchark" is not the breed pictured with her in the article.
It appears she's just trying to draw attention to herself. She's a complete nutcase and for once I agree with the city and not the pet owner.
Posted by: cherie | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 08:02 AM
G-man: your chicken hawk story was absolutely hilarious....made me LOL.
As for the nutjob woman & her dog: NO WAY should she be sllowed to bring that dog onto public transit. It's seems too obvious that she's all about intimidating other people.
Posted by: thetruth | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 08:10 AM
Huh. I guess I'll have to take both my Danes with me next time I go on the subway or the Underground. Just in case.
Posted by: NitroPress | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 08:11 AM
The Caucasian Ovchark was her former dog.
Posted by: stopeatingmysesamecake | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 08:15 AM
"In other postings, Stamm discussed dog-on-dog attacks involving her previous service dog, Mishka, a Caucasian Ovcharka that died of cancer last month."
Posted by: | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 08:16 AM
Nitro, just make sure you conceal them, I'm sure there is some sort of law that allows for the conceal and carry of Great Danes.
Posted by: sometimesilie | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 08:16 AM
i never thought i would say this: i don't feel sorry for her either, elchamp, she is using the PTSD and the abuse to be in power and control of others--she is not mentally healthy and if the dog lets go and hurts someone, she would prolly say it was self defense.
the dog in the photo looks like an underfed labrodor.
Posted by: lynn | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 08:18 AM
She needs to get a little, vicious chihuahua like mine. No one messes with me when she's around, plus she's allowed on the subway!
But seriously, I have a tremendous fear of giant killer dogs who might possibly snap and maul me or my mean little chihuahua to death. Does that mean I have a right to carry an elephant gun on the subway to make me feel more secure? We *have* been attacked in the past, so I guess we both have post-traumatic stress disorder.
Posted by: Bloody Mary | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 08:21 AM
Jeez... yeah, I feel terrible for saying this, but I have no sympathy for this woman and hope the city wins.
Posted by: kestrelmas | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 08:34 AM
I have family members with "livestock guardian" breeds which I can't even pretend to spell (Akbausch and Anotollian???) They are great livestock guardians and are very happy and content living with "their" animals. This poor dog in the story must be the most miserable creature on earth living in NYC - and the subway itself must go against EVERYTHING in this dog's nature. Where is the ASPCA when you need them? This is animal cruelty.
Posted by: RockyMtnMac | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 08:42 AM
That's wasn't a dream, G-Man!
Posted by: BallstotheWall | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 08:43 AM
"That's wasn't a dream, G-Man!"
Well we did have chicken for dinner the following day, so maybe you're right!
Posted by: G-Man | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 08:48 AM
it looks like cherie on a leash ;)
Posted by: buddy | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 09:02 AM
People should be required to have special permits/licenses to breed/own certain breeds of dogs (pitt bulls included). It's that way with cats. My neighbor doesn't own a tiger but he has vicious pitts that escape from his yard and scare the hell out of me--not necessarily for my safety but for the safety of my 2-year-old.
Posted by: twerp | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 09:08 AM
Where's Bernard Goetz when we really need him?
Posted by: A.V. | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 09:21 AM
This woman is a giant, goodwill-sucking hole.
A $10,000 suit she has won already and now she has found that she is empowered, so she decided to go for more. Will someone rid us of these societal leeches?
She should get together with Roy Pearson (54 million dollar pants) and Stella Liebeck of 10 Million coffee cup fame.
I guess this is what happens to those wierd kids that ate the paste in 1st grade to get a reaction and attention and felt empowered by it. She likes this attention and is getting it, even if its negative.
Posted by: JB | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 09:47 AM
The dog is for "protection from childhood memories of sex abuse"?
What about those of us with childhood memories of being attacked and/or treed by dogs?
How much mace would it take to lay a 120 lb dog out, anyway?
And if anyone should be suing it should be those poor cancer patients who were threatened by this bimbo's previous dog.
What I've always thought is that luzrs like this wench who like their vicious dogs and see nothing wrong with it should be stuck overnight in a room with someone else's "sweetie-pie" vicious dog. If she survives, maybe that would be enough to teach her empathy; if not, then game over.
Posted by: outofsalt | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 09:49 AM
I knew the dog I provided the link for was her "former" dog...I was just stating that her current dog (breed unmentioned) was not the same as her previous dog. Sorry I wasn't clear enough.
Posted by: cherie | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 10:02 AM
Buddy Buddy BUDDY! How many times have I asked you not to discuss our sex life on the blogs? I know you're angry because YOU always have to wear the leash...but as I've explained need to learn your place in the pecking order.
Now SIT Buddy...STAY!
Posted by: cherie | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 10:04 AM
No way that dog is 120 pounds.
Posted by: Justin | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 10:36 AM
Posted by: MONKEY JERK | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 11:00 AM
Posted by: buddy | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 11:22 AM
My son is, in some senses, differently-abled.
What is important for other people to remember is that for people who have real physical differences from the average population, um... you end up making every possible attempt to make sure that you or your kids can exceed all expectations put on you.
So, my son has taken weekend occupational therapy classes since toddlerhood. I've coached every team imaginable so that when he's in elementary school gym, not only can he play street hockey or basketball or soccer, he's been coached for hours on every sport so he's at least average if not above average. When my son was two and his brother was 5 I taught them how to throw a frisbee through a tire 10 feet away. We just drilled that throughout our whole week at the beach and had great fun. Then we get home and play with kids at the park and none of them knew how to do it at all. people who have these differences work like hell every day of their lives so that they lessen the stigma around them.
Fakers don't.
Posted by: DCer | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 11:39 AM
Um. So why does she need a "livestock guardian dog"? She's not bringing livestock with her on the subway, right?
Posted by: Kee | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 12:12 PM
Oh yeah, nutcase on a power trip fer sure!
Posted by: tinman | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 12:31 PM
Ok youngest son has aspergers....but "Differently-abled"???...I love all these new PC terms that people have started giving various disabilities.
You say...."When my son was two and his brother was 5 I taught them how to throw a frisbee through a tire 10 feet away. We just drilled that throughout our whole week at the beach and had great fun"
Who had "great fun"? YOU or your kids? Sounds like military style training to me. Is your over- compensation to make sure your son fits in due to his desires or your insecurities? In my 43 yrs on the planet I have yet to see the ability to throw a frizbee through a tire from 10 ft away to be a necessary life skill....unless you happen to be the frizbee golf champion.
While I worked with my son to help him with his social skills (because most with aspergers are usually behind in social development)... he was allowed to main stream with the rest of the kids and if he wanted to be involved on a sports team...he was able to...and on some teams he road the bench because he just was not as good a player as the rest of the just a necessary lesson in life. We can't all be super atheletes and as most people mature they realize that no two people are alike. Each of us have our special strengths or unusual tendencies. You come across sounding like an over-protective and over-bearing parent. I notice you didn't even bother to mention your son's disability which immediately points to how uncomfortable you are about it.
Posted by: cherie | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 12:57 PM
I totally agree that the lady is a crazy b@tch. PTSD is not a good reason to have a service animal. Deafness IS a good reason and she claimed hearing loss, but apparently she hears good enough to hear everything that was said by the transit worker, so ... she's not deaf.
With that said, what if she HAD something that you all would consider a 'real' disability and the same thing happened? We would all be outraged at the treatment a poor disabled person encountered on public transportation, correct?
The criteria for having a service animal needs to be standard and simple. The breeds should be chosen for that particular breed's ability to perform the necessary task. And they should be trained by licensed professionals.
Posted by: | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 01:28 PM
This woman has lots of issues to be sure. I think that I should be allowed to have my ragdoll cat with me under all circumstances. He keeps me calm and loves me unconditionally - oh, but wait, I don't have a "disability" that allows me to inconvenience others with my "service animal."
And if we're talking about dangerous breeds, I feel that chihuahuas, min pins and other toys should be at the top of the list. The vast majority of them that I have worked with are uncontrollable biters that their bad owners don't bother to discipline because "they're too fragile" or "cute." I haven't yet met a pit or rottie that tried to take my hand off like a toy. Of course, there are bad owners, like this lady, of any breed out there. And the good dogs and good owners of the "bad" (read: big, working-type dogs) breeds are the ones who pay for the misdeeds of the bad ones.
Posted by: Ogre | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 02:05 PM
ditto, ogre. People freak out about pits on here. I occasionally volunteer at the city animal shelter (Philadelphia. Most of those dogs have at least *some* pit in them) and for whatever reason I have yet to be mauled. Of course the dogs which the casual volunteers like myself even have access too are not aggressive problem dogs. Those dogs are housed in another wing and I've seen them and want nothing to do with them. But they are still pit bulls and pit bull mixes.
The part about this lady that I like the best is how unconcerned she appears to be about her aggressive where-wolf dog shaking down elderly cancer patients. But they are not Herself, so they apparently don't matter. You have to admit that is a rare kind of assholery and the fact that she attempts to dress her nasty blackhearted selfishness as a "disability" earns her bonus points. In fact, Ms. Stamm is not simply and asshole. She's an Asshole. Perhaps someone will give her the assistance she properly needs and help her in front of, er, I meant to say onto the cross town express.
Posted by: sometimesilie | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 02:25 PM
I've been bit by several dogs and every single one of them has been a toy breed. I've been around and owned large dogs all my life- mostly shepherd mixes and rottweilers- and have yet to be bitten once, although I suppose someone who has never owned one of those breeds nor has had any experience with them outside of seeing something about them on the teevee will, in their expert view, like to opine that I am a reckless fool.
That still doesn't mean that I should be allowed to claim some (dubious) disability and get the largest and most intimidating dog to bring with me to densely pack public areas. I have this strange little fear about danger too. She could have gotten a less intimidating dog- like a lab or one which doesn't start fights with elderly cancer patients and other dogs) and nobody would have said boo.
Posted by: sometimesilie | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 02:29 PM
riding public transit triggers a stress reaction in me every goddamn day
Posted by: fermata | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 02:31 PM
precisely, fermata. When I moved I stopped having to ride the subway all the time but when I do today (and I try and avoid it whenever possible) every single time, 100%, the seats are covered in some grease that make me slide around at every single bump or jostle. It makes me feel like I need a shower. I don't think it used to be that bad, but perhaps I myself was dirtier in those days.
the only thing this woman is trying to prove is that she can find some shyster lawyer to chisel the taxpayers out of a few bucks. Because wastes of oxygen like her force this utter crap onto the justice system, the DA will offer a violent thug a plea deal in a slam dunk case just so that one more trial is not overburdening the system. What monstrously disgusting selfishness. I think I would actually pay money just to be seated on her jury (the city will probably settle rather than go to trial) just so that I could ruin her plans. I am hard pressed to think of more than a couple people out of all the people I know who has NOT suffered something violent or been a direct witness to violence. Many of them our even dog lovers. Don't like being around a lot of people? Than get the fruck out of NYC or stfu already. God.
Posted by: sometimesilie | Monday, January 05, 2009 at 02:40 PM